Simple expression list wrapper. *
Static associative map. * Pairs is a list of pairs key-value.
Sometimes we don't want to auto expand expression ExpressionLists. That can be used to pass several lists into templates without breaking their boundaries.
Performs filtering of expression tuple T one by one by function or template F. If F returns true the resulted element goes to returned expression tuple, else it is discarded.
Performs filtering of expression tuple T by pairs by function or template F. If F returns true the resulted pair goes to returned expression tuple, else it is discarded.
Static version of std.algorithm.reduce (or fold). Expects that F takes accumulator as first argument and a value as second argument. * First value of T have to be a initial value of accumulator.
Same as std.typetyple.staticMap, but passes two arguments to the first template.
Compile-time variant of std.range.robin for expression ExpressionLists.
Module holds compile-time associative map with heterogeneous keys and values. *